How to Eliminate Underarm Fur the traditional way

Beauty is the desire of all the Eve which has a smooth, clean and white uniform is the desire for every woman. Not least the parts that are rarely seen. 

Although we find many products that are sold in stores or salons where you do the treatment to eliminate your underarm hair. However, all require a small cost. Actually there is a more simple, practical and easy to remove your underarm hair in the traditional way. 

Like using sugar kitchen, you can get free of armpit hair. However, there is a miraculous process, and other materials that should be added to the mixture which can eliminate your underarm hair. 

In this case you are not obliged to obtain a complete spa experience or use expensive products to remove hair from your forearm. You can now get a prescription for removing the hair under your arms with dangerous natural products available. But, it's important to get the ingredients in a perfect ratio. 

Here's how to remove underarm hair is traditionally: 
Step 1 
Take 2 cups sugar, ¼ cup water, ¼ cup honey, ¼ cup fresh lemon juice. 

Step 2 
Pour all the mixture into the pan and heat until boiling. These materials must be cooked with a small flame until melted and menidih and you have to cook it for about half an hour. 

Let the mixture into a liquid and you will see that the mixture becomes dark brown. If measured by the thermometer, the mixture turns into a candy that would reach 246 degrees. Now after all that is done, remove the pan and take the place of or below room temperature in a cold room or let the warm temperatures. 

Step 3 
While waiting for the mixture to cool before the wax or candy, you have to wash your armpits and clean them so no sweat appears. After washing your armpits with water, dry with a way pat with a soft towel. Sprinkle your underarms with baby powder but thin. Baby powder can absorb or remove excess oil on the skin, especially your armpits. 

Step 4 
Now apply a syrup that has a natural wax with a spoon or a cold before you hand over your forearm or where you want to remove unwanted hair. If you are doing this for the first time, you have to apply it in a small area at first. 

You should also check whether these candles produce allergic reactions on your skin. You can try your hand at the small area where the hair is available. Once you believe that, it did not have an allergic reaction after touching your skin, you can confidently apply this on your armpits. 

Step 5 
Allow the mixture to harden some time and then use the other hand to take the sweet wax of your forearm. Please note, you have to pull your underarm skin is really tight so it does not form a wrinkle. You have to be in rapid motion to pull the sweet wax. 

Step 6 
Now, if there is some residual wax left after pulling all unwanted hair, it is important to clean the residue with warm water and soap. It is important to use a light moisturizer on armpit after removing wax from that place. This will keep your skin soft and smooth. 

Candles that you have created with natural materials should be stored in a cool place so that you can use it every time you look at the hair on the arms, legs and even your underarms. It will remain in good condition after being stored in the refrigerator.

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